First year second cycle ENS:Geology for Geology series
a. Earth interior
- Earth structure, earth quakes,Mineralogy: cristallography, rock forming mineralspolymorphism and pseudomorphism,Magmatism and igneous rocks, Metamorphism and metamorphic rocks
b. External Geology
- Sedimentationand sedimentary rocks, Weathering,Erosion, transport and sedimentation,stratigraphy:and facies fossils, principles of stratigraphy, relative andabsolute chronology
c. Structural Geology and tectonics
- Elementsof tectonics: rock fracturing, faults and folds,Tectonic plates: types of tectonicplates, tectonic plate and volcanism, Continental drifts: notion of the super-continent (Pangea) and Gondwana. Concepts of continental drift (Taylor’s concept and Wegener’s concept), proof of continental drift (morphologie and paleomagnetic proofs)
- Economic Geology : oils and natural gases, mining Geology: diamond, gold, cupper, iron, bauxite