Entrance examination programme into firstyear ENS
a. Ecology
- Influence ofecological factors on the distribution of
organisms, Effects ofhuman activities on the environment
b. The cell: organisation and activity
- Structure and ultrastructure ofplant celle animal, Cellular exchanges, Amitosis and mitosis
c. The life functions
- Coordination: nervous system, vision, locomon(striated muscles and the keleton),Nutrition in mammals: digestion, respiration, circulationand excretion,Nutrition in green plants: hydrolmineral nutritionphotosynthèsis, carbon and nitrogen cycles, Reproduction: in spermatophytes andin mammals(gen organs, gametogenesis and hormonal interaction)
d. heredity
- Mendelianinheritance: monohybrid and dihybr**:
inheritance, linkage, crossing-over, Sex-linked inheritance and genetic diseases (mongolisme, haemophilia, daltonism, albinism), Structure of DNA, protein synthesis, mutation
e. Geology (for the main campus i.e Yaoundé only)
- Earth structure,Magmatism, Metamorphism, External Geology, Stratigraphy, Sedimentation and sedimentar rocks
Plate techtonics and continental drift