Catégorie parente: Liste des universités et écoles dans le monde
Catégorie : Liste des universités et écoles en Europe

Business and Management University -- Business & Management University - Geneva

Cubidor University Switzerland -- Diepoldsau

Fachhochschule Ostschweiz -- University of Applied Sciences Eastern Switzerland (FHO) - Chur, Paper, Rapperswil, St. Gallen

Haute Ecole spécialisée de la Suisse Occidentale -- University of Applied Sciences Western Switzerland - Delémont

Hochschule Luzern -- Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Art - Lucerne

IMI University Center (International Hotel Management Institute) -- International Hotel Management Institute Switzerland (IMI) - Lucerne

Libera Université degli Studi di Scienze Umane e Tecnologiche -- University of Human Sciences and Technology of Lugano - Lugano

St Clements University - Lausanne -- St. Clements Private Swiss University - Lausanne

University of Applied Sciences Bern -- Bern University of Applied Sciences - Bern

University of Basel -- Basel

University of Bern -- Bern

University of Geneva -- Geneva

University of Zurich -- University of Zurich (UZH) - Zurich

University of the Arts Zurich -- Zurich University of the Arts - Zurich

Università della Svizzera Italiana -- University of Lugano - Lugano, Mendrisio

Universität Freiburg -- University of Fribourg - Fribourg

Universität Luzern -- University of Lucerne - Lucerne

Universität St. Gallen -- University of St. Gallen - St. Gallen

Université de Genève -- University of Geneva - Geneva

Université de Lausanne -- University of Lausanne - Lausanne

Université de Neuchâtel -- University of Neuchâtel (UniNE) - Neuchâtel

Victoria University -- Neuchâtel

Webster University Geneva -- Geneva

Zürcher Fachhochschule -- Zurich University of Applied Sciences (ZFH) - Zurich

Ecoles de formation supérieure

AKAD -- Aarau, Basel, Bern, Geneva, Lausanne, Lugano, Lucerne, St. Gallen, Zurich

AiSTS -- International Academy of Sports Science and Technology (AiSTS) - Lausanne

BSL Business School -- Lausanne

Berufsschule Davos -- Davos-Platz

DCT -- DCT University Center - Vitznau-Lucerne

Dolmetscherschule Zürich -- IUED-Institute of Translation and Interpreting - Winterthur

EU European University -- European University (EU) - Geneva, Montreux

Ecole hôtelière de Lausanne -- Lausanne Hotel School - Lausanne

European Graduate School EGS -- European Graduate School (EGS) - Leuk

Fachhochschule Aargau -- University of Applied Sciences Northwestern Switzerland - Brugg

Fachhochschule St. Gallen -- FHS St. Gallen University of Applied Sciences - St. Gallen

Fernfachhochschule Schweiz -- Fernfachhochschule Switzerland (FFHS ) - Brig

Franklin College -- Sorengo

Graduate School of Business Administration Zurich (GSBA Zurich) -- Lorange Institute of Business - Zurich

Haute Ecole pédagogique - BEJUNE -- HEP-Bejune - Porrentruy

Haute école pédagogique du canton de Vaud -- HEP-Lausanne - Lausanne

Hochschule für Wirtschaft HSW Luzern -- Lucerne University of Applied Sciences-School of Business - Lucerne

IHTTI -- International Hotel and Tourism Training Institute (IHTTI) - Neuchâtel

Institut de hautes Etudes internationales et du Développement -- Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies - Geneva

Institute of Finance and Management -- University IFM Geneva - Geneva

Interkantonale Hochschule für Heilpädagogik Zürich -- Zurich School of Special Education - Zurich

International University in Geneva -- International University in Geneva (IUG) - Geneva

Kaderschule Sankt Gallen -- CS Executive Schools - St. Gallen, Zurich

Kalaidos Fachhochschule Schweiz -- Executive Master of Switzerland - Zurich

Pädagogische Hochschule Bern -- PH Bern Institute - Bern

Pädagogische Hochschule Schaffhausen -- College of Education of Schaffhausen - Schaffhausen

Pädagogische Hochschule Wallis -- College of Education of Wallis - Brig, St. Maurice

Pädagogische Hochschule Zürich -- College of Education of Zurich - Zurich

Pädagogische Hochschule des Kantons St. Gallen -- College of Education of the Canton of St.Gallen - Gossau, Rorschach, St. Gallen

Robert Kennedy University -- Robert Kennedy College - Zurich

Swiss Business School -- SBS Swiss Business School - Zurich

Swiss Management Center -- Zug, Zurich

University Center "Caesar Ritz" -- Caesar Ritz Colleges Switzerland - Brig, Le Bouveret

University of Business & International Studies Geneva (UBIS) -- University of Business and International Studies Geneva (UBIS) - Geneva

World Trade Institute -- World Trade Institute (WTI) - Bern

Ecoles polytechniques

Swiss Federal Institute Of Technology - Lausanne -- École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL) - Lausanne

Swiss Federal Institute Of Technology - Zurich -- ETH Zurich - Zurich